hourly rates for experienced / certified senior professionals
$200 - 325 |
Traditional human resources, compensation / benefits, group insurance, retirement plans, employee relations, product outsourcing, or business-consulting assignments. |
$350 - 500 |
High-profile or immediate-response engagements in above; and, employee relations, discrimination / sexual harassment, contract / regulatory compliance, mergers / acquisitions, expert witness roles, etc. |
weekly / monthly, offsite / project rates or ongoing retainers
Varies |
Based upon work requirements and relationship of client with ConnVerge, Inc. |
seminar / training session daily rates
$3000 - 5000 |
Customary charges for most standard-sized day-long training programs, plus $275 per hour for time expended in advance of presentation, tailoring material to unique client needs.
Price includes reasonable quantities of normal course handout material. Client, however, bears expense of unusual / custom audio-visual items, etc.
Reduced daily rates are available for multiple sessions on the same subject.
Travel and related expenses outside the immediate Jacksonville, Florida, area are borne by the client organization. Extended travel may involve partial portal-to-portal pay. Higher fees may be charged for work by attorney or third-party affiliates. Lower rates are available for less-experienced ConnVerge professionals or para-professionals.
Posted rates are are unilaterally established by ConnVerge, Inc.; and, are subject to change without advance notice.